It takes only a few clicks to protect Italy’s art, nature and culture.

Friend - £ 90.00 pa

Family (two adults and children under age of 18) - £ 140.00 pa

Fellow - £250.00 pa

Supporter - £ 500.00 pa

FAI UK Membership Details


£ 90.00 pa

  • FAI Membership card allowing free entry to all FAI properties in Italy (see, to all properties of the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, of the National Trust for Scotland, of the National Trust of Jersey and of the National Trusts of Australia
  • Discount in 1,500 Italian cultural sites (see – in Italian) – Invitations to FAI UK social events and tours in the UK
  • Subscription to FAI UK electronic newsletter

Family (two adults and children under age of 18)
£ 140.00 pa

  • 2 FAI Membership cards allowing free entry to all FAI properties in Italy (see, to all properties of the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, of the National Trust for Scotland, of the National Trust of Jersey and of the National Trusts of Australia
  • Discount in 1,500 Italian cultural sites (see – in Italian)
  • Invitations to FAI UK social events and tours in the UK
  • Subscription to FAI UK electronic newsletter

£ 250.00 pa (two adults at the same address)

  • 2 FAI Membership cards allowing free entry to all FAI properties in Italy (see, to all properties of the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, of the National Trust for Scotland, of the National Trust of Jersey and of the National Trusts of Australia
  • Discount in 1,500 Italian cultural sites (see – in Italian)
  • Invitations to FAI UK social events and tours in the UK
  • Invitations to exclusive and selected happenings in the UK
  • Possibility to participate to the annual tours to Italy
  • Subscription to FAI UK electronic newsletter

£ 500.00 pa (two adults at the same address)

  • 2 FAI Membership cards allowing free entry to all FAI properties in Italy (see, to all properties of the National Trust of England, Wales and Northern Ireland, of the National Trust for Scotland, of the National Trust of Jersey and of the National Trusts of Australia
  • Discount in 1,500 Italian cultural sites (see – in Italian)
  • Invitations, priority booking and free entry to all FAI UK social events and tours in the UK
  • Invitations to exclusive and selected happenings in the UK
  • Priority booking to FAI UK tours to Italy
  • Free entry and priority access to the Louvre Museum in Paris (through Passage Richelieu)
  • Subscription to FAI UK electronic newsletter

Download Membership Form and Standing Order Form

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*(two adults and children under age of 18)
Other name

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