Help Italy
stay beautiful

Building our future. Saving the past for a new tomorrow

22 July 2021

Our restoration sites have been at a standstill since last year: help us restart them.

There are stories that can only continue thanks to you.

In 2020 the effect of the pandemic swept through the country like a cataclysm. It also disrupted our plans, forcing us to put FAI’s activities on hold for many months, and today we are facing a 2021 that is still struggling to get going.

We are still suffering the serious consequences of a year that has forced us to keep our properties closed and losing 60% of visitors cancel most of the scheduled events, including our main national events like the FAI Spring Days Suspending 90% of our restoration sites.

This has resulted in a reduction in revenue of – 26% compared to 2019.

Today we are facing a 2021 that is still struggling to get going.

Just for the indispensable restoration and maintenance of our properties we need 3.5 million euros. This is a large amount of money that the Foundation does not have available.



Care and enhancement of monuments of art and nature to spread knowledge and respect for our heritage, a source of beauty, well-being and development.

Help us to restart restoration work and ensure the ongoing maintenance of our 68 properties.



A new balance between Man and the Planet based on the union of Nature and History. A unique heritage to be protected, as a priority for this and future generations.

Contribute to our commitment to reduce the energy needs of our assets by 15% by 2023.



Multidisciplinary training to impart knowledge that makes young people more aware of the role they will play in the country’s development.

Support our educational programmes that involve nearly 300,000 students and teachers each year.



New technologies to develop tools that can offer more and more content and experiment with different ways of participating.

Help us to make the knowledge of what makes Italy the most beautiful country in the world accessible to everyone.




Thanks to your fundamental contribution, we can start again.


Together we can:

  • restart the restoration work that we have been forced to put on hold for more than a year;
  • plan the opening of new properties to be offered to the public;
  • ensure the ongoing maintenance of the special places we protect;
  • continue to raise awareness among young people so that they grow up to be more in love with and aware of this beautiful country.
  • better cope with the digital transition that this new era requires;
  • strengthen our commitment to the sustainability of our projects with an eye to the collective well-being of today and tomorrow.

We have never stopped, we cannot stop now.


To build a new future, we need your help

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