The incredible discoveries at the Castello di Masino, near Turin, date back to the seventeenth century.
Continue reading The wonders of the Salone dei Savoia at Castello di Masino [..]
The incredible discoveries at the Castello di Masino, near Turin, date back to the seventeenth century.
Continue reading The wonders of the Salone dei Savoia at Castello di Masino [..]
FAI properties, in addition to being environmentally sustainable, are a real treasure trove of biodiversity, thanks to the many ecosystems that the Foundation protects, cares for and respects throughout Italy.
Continue reading FAI properties are a treasure trove of biodiversity [..]
In 2020, FAI properties were only open for five months but the conservation work never stopped.
Continue reading Behind the scenes: while FAI properties were closed [..]
More than half a million euros have been raised in Italy and abroad thanks to the special year-end appeal FAI Needs you!
Continue reading 2020 A year together, thanks to all our donors [..]
As for all of us, these times have been challenging on many different levels for FAI UK. Here is some important news from our Chairman and Board of Trustees.
FAI looks after and protects that which makes Italy the most beautiful country in the world.
By supporting FAI’s mission, you can make a difference to the future of Italy’s cultural heritage, art, landscape and culture. Your contribution can make this possible.
Lockdown gave us new opportunities to be close to our members through the technology we have all become better-acquainted with. Since the beginning of October we have been broadcasting a series of webinars called Grand Tour of FAI Properties from the comfort of your sofa that have been very successful with many loyal attendees and enthusiastic participation.
Following the success of the last Spring Campaign, a new weekly series of online material is being released under the title #ItaliaMiPiaci (#ItalyILoveYou) to keep our audience informed and entertained with stories from FAI’s properties, researchers, architects and property managers. Continue reading #ItaliaMiPiaci and news from FAI Properties [..]
Dear Friends,
Our happy times together, both in Italy and in London, seem so very long ago. These have been strange times.
We at FAI UK are eager that we should all be in touch again. So many of us have missed, over the past months, the opportunity to enjoy much that Italy has to offer; the art and architecture that mean a great deal to us.
Continue reading Grand Tour of FAI properties from the comfort of your sofa [..]
Some time ago, in Sardinia where Giulia Maria had a superb chunk of the coast which she kept wild, a famous and very rich American lady, high heels and an expensive bag, came to see her.
Giulia Maria had just been working in the fields, preparing for the vendemmia. As usual she was wearing a T shirt and flat shoes; the American lady asked her “Do you know where I can find Countess Crespi?”
Continue reading Some time ago: a memory of Giulia Maria Crespi by Gaia Servadio [..]