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News Archive

24 March 2023

Between January and February 2023, a portion of the Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi underwent coppice cutting, to improve vegetative conditions and enhance the different functions of the forest in a balanced – and therefore more sustainable – way.

Continue reading The forest management project of the Bosco di San Francesco in Assisi [..]

24 March 2023

After four years of restoration, FAI, together with the Municipality of Morazzone (VA), inaugurates a new Property, Casa Macchi: the exceptional historical testimony of a style of living and a way of life that has now disappeared.

Continue reading Casa Macchi: a typical old house, the last of its kind [..]

24 March 2023

We are delighted to invite you to the FAI UK 2023 Supporters Tour to the Italian Riviera and Genoa.

Continue reading FAI UK tour to the Italian Riviera and Genoa [..]

24 March 2023

For the first time, a productive farm has become part of FAI‘s Assets: Villa Caviciana, an estate of more than 140 hectares spread between Grotte di Castro and Gradoli (VT)

Continue reading Villa Caviciana, the FAI farm in the heart of Tuscia [..]

16 December 2022

Artist Ester Pasqualoni manually engraved Leopardi’s masterpiece in Braille alphabet on a lead sheet. The work was donated to the Foundation by miramART by Andrea Fustinoni and Fabio D’Amato for the Orto sul Colle dell’Infinito, a FAI property in Recanati (MC).

Continue reading “L’Infinto”: Leopardi’s masterpiece engraved in Braille [..]

16 December 2022

A new permanent multimedia space complements and enriches the current offer of visits to the Abbazia di Santa Maria di Cerrate in Lecce: the narration of the Abbazia‘s history in a lesser-known chapter, which reveals and deepens its Byzantine origin and soul. Continue reading The ‘buried’ history of the Abbazia di Santa Maria di Cerrate [..]

16 December 2022

Nestled in the center of historic Bergamo, Palazzo Moroni is a 17th century urban aristocratic palace. You can become a supporter of its restoration project: discover how.

Continue reading Palazzo e Giardini Moroni: the restoration project [..]

16 December 2022

FAI presents the donation of 108 new works from the Panza Collection and opens the exhibition “Ex Natura”, a new exhibition project at the Villa e Collezione Panza with 46 new works by 10 different artists.

Continue reading EX NATURA. New works from the collection of Giuseppe Panza di Biumo [..]

24 October 2022

Oct 24th – Yesterday ended the FAI UK trip to Milan and Bergamo. Thanks to everyone who took part and made this event so special! It has been an opportunity to be together after such a long time, to see the beauty of Milan and Bergamo and also admire two FAI properties: Villa Necchi Campiglio and Palazzo e Giardini Moroni. Continue reading Milan and Bergamo Tour [..]

30 September 2022

Thanks to the generosity of many donors who have entrusted FAI with furniture and objets d’art through inheritances, legacies and donations, at Casa Carbone we have renovated part of the rooms on the ground floor by placing furnishings and objects selected according to style, era and themes in line with the history of the house-museum.
Continue reading A new installation for Casa Carbone in Lavagna [..]