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Leonardo Da Vinci, Study for a Domed Building, circa 1487-1490 - Courtesy of Professor John Adamson

Leonardo the Architect

8 October 2019

This, being the 500th year since Leonardo da Vinci’s birth, I thought that architecture is the one aspect of Leonardo’s huge artistic and creative work that had been overlooked.

Professor John Adamson, Professorial Research Fellow of the Humanities Research Institute, Chairman of its Advisory Board, and a Fellow of Peterhouse, University of Cambridge was the ideal scholar to introduce our FAI UK members into the wondrous world of Leonardo da Vinci the architect.

Professor Adamson analysed the personality of a genius who was at times so impatient that he came short from finishing his projects.

His talk was illustrated by a series of carefully chosen images; it took place in the welcoming Tommasso Gallery whose owners have once again offered their space – and drinks- to FAI UK.

Let me tell you that we of FAI UK are proud of the very high cultural level of our events, and we are aware of the same in our membership.

We all know that we are aiming at an important cause, guarding and saving monuments in Italy and also guarding and saving the land.

Our ecological record is noticeable, Leonardo a lover of nature, would have been proud of it.


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