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News Archive

21 March 2022

Since 2018, FAI has been recovering the ancient vineyards surrounding Castello di Masino in Piedmont: it will soon start producing Nebbiolo and Erbaluce, among the most important native vines of the area.

Continue reading Castello di Masino: the vineyards, the wine press, the cellars and Nebbiolo [..]

21 December 2021

The Board of Directors of FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano (the National Trust for Italy) at its meeting held today and following the decision of President Andrea Carandini to resign, has appointed Marco Magnifico, former Executive Vice President of FAI from January 2010 to October 2021, as its new President.

Continue reading New FAI President: Marco Magnifico appointed following Andrea Carandini’s decision to step down [..]

21 December 2021

On 21 November, the Feast of Madonna della Salute, FAI inaugurated the cultural activities of Casa Bortoli with the first in a series of meetings focusing on Venice and its lagoon: a constructive, informed and participatory debate is increasingly necessary and urgent today.

Continue reading Casa Bortoli. On the health of Venice: a new vision is needed [..]

21 December 2021

Work on the restoration of the façade of the church of the Abbazia di San Fruttuoso in Camogli (GE) was completed a few months ago: a delicate intervention that restores balance to the building of the abbey complex.

Continue reading Abbazia di San Fruttuoso: restoration of the church façade [..]

21 December 2021

On 9 November 2001 the Giardino della Kolymbethra was inaugurated. This is a property in the Valley of the Temples in Agrigento, which in 1999 was given in concession by the Sicilian Region to FAI. Thanks to the Foundation, today it is an authentic archaeological and agricultural jewel.

Continue reading 20 years ago: the rebirth of Giardino della Kolymbethra [..]

21 December 2021

Every membership is an important contribution that enables FAI UK to fulfil its mission of protecting and enhancing Italy’s historical, artistic and landscape heritage.

Continue reading Give a gift of value at Christmas: give the gift of a FAI UK membership [..]

21 November 2021

Twenty places and their extraordinary stories: twenty restoration and enhancement projects

supported by FAI – Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano and Intesa Sanpaolo.

Continue reading The winners of I Luoghi del Cuore (Italian Places I Love) survey have been announced [..]